Musashino Kikai Co. Ltd. of which head quarter is at Tokyo, Japan, started business with cellophane and CMC manufacturing machine in 1961.
Musashino Kikai with more than 50 years market experience made itself a name in Japan market by tailoring extrusion lines to customer requirements and expanded applications like plastic processing, paper processing, high function film manufacturing.
Also, we provided our machines to Asia and USA with the machine design, technology and process know-how, which was accumulated in Japan market.
PROFILEManagement philosophy

MESSAGETop message
Kazutaka Kato
President and CEO
Musashino Kikai Co. Ltd.

Expanding our business to new field based on
the technology and know-how that we have accumulated.
Package that keeps the food and product good condition until those are delivered to customers. Adhesive tape that are necessary for package transportation. Diapers sheet that used for babies who are taken care with parents love.
As a part of helping people life we, Musashino Kikai provide the machines that manufacture the materials used for the those products according to applications.
We have provided the machines, which allows to manufacture products that have the functions such as moistureproof, gas barrier, shading.The machines are full of the technology know-how that we have accumulated for long years. We are confident that the machines full of our know-how contribute to people life and health by some products.
As time passed our business has been shifted to cellophane to plastic film. We released the extrusion laminator machine as the 1st machine in Japan market.
Musashino Kikai has been total solution company from design, manufacturing, engineering and been expanding business to several fields such as plastic and paper processing machine, high function material manufacturing machines etc.
We would like to provide machines that allow people to be happy.
Challenge new things
As our sprit is expressed in “Our business style”, our engineers are deeply in developing with ideas of “no give up” “no compromise”.
It is hard to challenge new things but we have strong motivation when we think about the satisfaction that we can share the happy feeling with customer after machine installation.
We are trying to develop a new thing with customers like a boy who is trying to catch a butterfly intently.
One more thing we are confident is our attitude to protect customer confidential information.
Our machines play important roles in customer process for many cases; we completely follow the confidentiality obligation. We are seriously think about customer business.
PROFILEPlant information
Tokyo plant It has been more than 40 years after factory construction: Many converting machines were shipped from this factory.
Yamagata plant Open at Nanyo-city, Yamagata to enhance manufacturing capability and to construct modern factory. Manufacturing equipments are being enhanced to be our main pant.
Fukushima plant Plant site was purchased by 4 companies of Unicom group together to increase manufacturing capability. Together with main factory Yamagata we wish to expand manufacturing business.
PROFILEAbout the company
- Company Name
- MusashinoKikai Co. Ltd.
- Head quarterlocation
- 2-26-6 Koenji-Minami Suginami-Ku Tokyo 166-0003 Japan
Tel: +81-3-3312-6341 / Fax: +81-3-3317-1400 - Establishment
- 1961
- Capital
- JPY 244,000,000
- Contact information
Ozone Department2-26-6 Koenji-Minami Suginami-ku Tokyo 166-0003 Japan
TEL: +81-3-3312-6341 / Fax: +81-3-3317-1400 -
Kansai Office
70-1-B TakedaTanakaden-cho Fushimi-ku Kyoto-shi Kyoto 612-8425 Japan
TEL: +81-3-3312-6341 / Fax: +81-50-3145-1331 -
Nagoya Office/
MS Department76-3 Zenhoku-cho Minato-ku Nagoya-shi Aichi 455-0812 Japan
TEL: +81-52-381-1811 / FAX: +81-52-384-6020 -
Sagamihara Office/
LM Department2-7-6 Minami-Hashimoto Chuo-ku Sagamihara-shi Kanagawa 252-0253 Japan
TEL: +81-42-774-0615 / FAX: +81-42-774-6625 -
Yokohama Office/
Laser Department542 Nippa-cho Kohoku-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa 223-0057 Japan
TEL: +81-45-540-1103 / FAX: +81-45-540-1104 -
Tokyo plant
4-7-7 SinmeidaiHamura-shi Tokyo 205-0023 Japan
TEL: +81-42-553-2100 / FAX: +81-42-553-1241 -
Yamagata plant
1206-7 UrushiyamaNanyo-shi Yamagata 992-0474 Japan
TEL: +81-238-47-5070 / FAX: +81-238-47-5075 -
Fukushima plant
9-5 AzaOogakuboKinosaki Sukagawa-shiFukushima 962-0122 Japan
TEL: +81-248-68-2892 / FAX: +81-248-68-2893
- Established
- Started as corporate organization
- Musashino Kiko Co. Ltd established (Manufacturing)
Built Akishimaplant - Built primary head quarter office
- Built Tokyo plant
- Built Yamagata plant
- Merged with Musashino Kiko Co. Ktd. and changed name as MusashinoKikai
- Established Touhoku Unicom Co. Ltd.
- Established MS business
Built Fukushima plant - Established Laser business
- Laser business unit merged with T.E.M Co. Ltd. and changed name as T.E.M laser business
- T.E.M laser business changed name as Laser business
- Established Ozone business
- Head quarter moved to new office at Koenji